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Захист пошуково-дослідницьких робіт

Фрагмент науково-дослідницької роботи з елементами творчого підходу мого колишнього учня, тоді гімназиста 11 класу Голоти Тараса Сергійовича за темою



    I’d like to tell you about my own discoveries in English. First off, I’m going to let you know what sources I have used to write a book. So, basically, I studied some dialects which are different from the standard English language. To me, the American style is more interesting than that usual speech which I use in the lessons. For writing a book I’ve chosen Virginia dialects. The words which I put into my work are used by people who live in that part of America. My aim is to tell you about what inspired me to write the book which I’m going to show you.
   It all began in my childhood. I was a small dreamy kid when my mom decided to show me the village where she used to live. Now I love that place because I spent my childhood there. I learned a lot of things there: how to ride a bike, how to act yourself when you’re chased by an evil dog which is going to bite you. But the most unforgettable lesson which I learned there was the nature. It taught me how to live.
   So, let’s get back to the main question. The reason why I wrote the book was the fact that I had met somebody who showed me that nature which I now love so much. I’m not going to tell you about that person but it was a real pleasure to face the ‘darkness’ standing by the side of your true friend.
  Now you’re aware of the foundation. It was really a long time ago. Last Spring I even couldn’t remember my childhood well. But something changed my life. Surfing the net, seeking for something exciting to read, I found a special book. It was “Bridge to Terabithia” written by Katherine Paterson. She dedicated her work to her son David Paterson whose friend had been struck by lightning. It seemed to be cool. Of course, I decided to read it. That book opened my childhood to me and I remembered about everything. It was the most outstanding Summer in my life. After that, I said to myself: “Hey, fellow. Why don’t you write your own book? It’s gonna change something in your boring life” And I did so. I’ve changed my life because I wanted so. That wasn’t very hard but sometimes exhausting. Now I’m really happy and nothing is going to stop me to believe in myself. Maybe I have a power to change somebody’s life like Katherine Paterson has changed mine…
  The language which was used by Katherine Paterson was the style for children. It was quite simple and at the same time very difficult for me because I’d never seen that style before. It was amazing to discover some new dialects, new slangs, new phrases.
  I’ve tried to put all new words into it trying to mint them in my memory.
  You may ask me a question: “Why have I chosen Virginian dialect?” and I’ll answer. I love to find out some new things in life, and that style was a kind of something different for me. Also, it was used by Katherine Paterson in “Bridge to Terabithia”. New phrases and words dragged me into that atmosphere. People living in that part of America are talking in the same way. Although it was hard for me to catch on with the meanings of some words and phrases, I kept on attempting to put those words in my everyday English. I even wrote some new words into my jotter and hung them onto the freezer. The main reason why I’ve chosen Virginia style because it was something new for me, that’s all.
  Anyway, I had read a lot of books before I started writing my own. Also, I love Stephen King. There are many things which I learned reading his masterpieces. Winston Groom is a great writer too.
   I ought to surf the net looking for some English forums. I found a great number of sites like: myspace, facebook, twitter. I met many people with whom I was speaking in English. It taught me a lot.
  So, if you want to know this language really well, you’ve got to listen to the American music, watch TV-programs, films, read books and talk to American people. It helped me. Those friends of mine who knew about my book were always questioning me: “What were you trying to teach the readers?”
 I always replied in the different ways because I’ve attempted to put everything into the book including my own life experience which is quite short since I’m a kid just like the characters in “Dreams have eyes” (the name of my book).
  So, now I’m going to write a little bit about the things which I’d like to emphasize.
  The main theme in my work is about the dreams. I think everybody must have his own secret place to dream. I wanted readers to know that each dream has its end. It’s the rule of life. Everything has its finish. And there is nothing to be afraid of because there are different kinds of dreams, you may have another one, just don’t make your head go insane because of dreams. Chloe (the protagonist in my book) got crazy because of her dreams. Sure, it helped her but not in all cases. It’s just a book, remember this, it’s a kind of a fairytale. Nevertheless, it is a fairytale.
  The second thing which I wanted you to know is that everything is coming to the end. People die, everything has its omega. Don’t focus on that. After death, there will be another death and another. It’s normal. Try to find some new friends, new rays in your life.
                                      Slangs                                                         Primarily, I’m going to talk about the slangs. Slang words are identified and distinguished by contrasting them to standard literary vocabulary. They are expressive, mostly ironical words serving to create fresh names for some things that are frequent topics of discourse. For the most part they sound somewhat vulgar, cynical and harsh, aiming to show the object of speech in the light of an off-hand contemptuous ridicule. Vivid examples can be furnished by various slang words for money, such as beans, brass, dibs, dough, chink, oof, wads; the slang synonyms for word head are attic, brain-pan, hat peg, nut, upper storey, compare also various synonyms for the adjective drunk: boozy, cock-eyed, high, soaked, tight and many more. Notions that for some reason or other are apt to excite an emotional reaction attract as a rule many synonyms: there are many slang words for food, alcohol drinks, stealing and other violations of the law, for jail, death, madness, drug use, etc.
Slang has often attracted the attention of lexicographers. The best-known English slang dictionary is compiled by E. Partridge.
The subject of slang has caused much controversy for many years. Very different opinions have been expressed concerning its nature, its boundaries and the attitude that should be adopted towards it. The question whether it should be considered a healthful source of vocabulary development or a manifestation of vocabulary decay has been often discussed.
It has been repeatedly stated by many authors that after a slang word has been used in speech for a certain period of time, people get accustomed to it and it ceases to produce that shocking effect for the sake of which it has been originally coined. The most vital among slang words are then accepted into literary vocabulary. The examples are bet, bore, chap, donkey, fun, humbug, mob, odd, pinch, shabby, sham, snob, trip, also some words from the American slang: graft, hitch-hiker, sawbones, etc.
   Here’s an example where Katherine Paterson used slangs:

 "Yeah?" For what? he was thinking.
 "You're the only kid in this whole durned school who's worth shooting." He   wasn't sure,
 he thought her voice was quivering, but he wasn't going to start feeling  sorry for her again.
 "So shoot me," he said.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  The word ‘durned’ is mostly used in Virginia. I thought I could use this word in my book but I decided to make it easier to read it for Ukrainian people. I live in Ukraine, though. This word is similar to ‘darn’, it’s just transformed.

These words were originally slang words but have now become part of literary vocabulary. The most prominent place among them is occupied by words or expressions having no synonyms and serving as expressive names for some specific notions. The word teenager, so very frequent now, is a good example. Also blurb a publisher’s eulogy of a book printed on its jacket or in advertisements elsewhere, which is originally American slang word.
 Also, there’s another one example where you can see that the style of writing is a bit strange for Standard English:

"Whatcha gonna do?"
"I don't know yet. We'll have to plan it out very carefully, but I promise you, May Belle, we'll get her."
She solemnly crossed her heart. May Belle turned expectantly to Jess, so he crossed his, too, trying hard not to feel like a fool, crossing his heart to a first grader in the middle of the playground.
May Belle sniffled loudly. "It ain't as good as seeing her beat to a million pieces."
   The communicative value of these words ensures their stability. But they are rather the exception. The bulk of slang is formed by shortlived words. E. Partridge, one of the best known specialists in English slang, gives as an example a series of vogue words designating a man of fashion that superseded one another in English slang. They are: blood (1550-1660), macaroni (1760), buck (1720-1840), swell (1811), dandy (1820-1870), toff  (1851).
It is convenient to group slang words according to their place in the vocabulary system, and more precisely, in the semantic system of the vocabulary. If they denote a new and necessary notion, they may prove an enrichment of the vocabulary and be accepted into standard English. If, on the other hand, they make just another addition to a cluster of synonyms, and have nothing but novelty to back them, they die out very quickly, constituting the most changeable part of the vocabulary.
   Now, I’m going to show you how I used the phrase ‘Yes’m’ in my book. I did so since I was interested in it. This is a short form of 'Yes’mam’. When used to a guy, it is a slight and unnoticed insult. Very good for an annoying boss.                                                                                                                   

           My variant:                                           Katherine Paterson variant:

 “Yes’m.” she replied and eased herself onto the stool which was screeching like Scarlett when Charlie had broken up with her.
 “That’s better.” Mrs.Nulson stated and took some steps toward Carrie’s desk.

"Yes'm." He dragged himself to the sink. The water he nipped on his face and up his arms pricked like ice. His hot skin crawled under the cold drops.
May Belle was standing in the kitchen door watching him.

By the way, the words ‘gonna’, ‘watcha’, ‘wanna’ are slangs too. I used them:

“What’cha doing?” the angel jumped out from nowhere, as all the time and sat near her, wagging her legs and pushing Chloe vigorously with her shoulder. Still grinning, still spreading out the kindness which Chloe will never forget.

“You know, I’m gonna see Lord” Carrie stated proudly. Only the angel in sneakers could say so solemnly that nobody could.Now, I’d like to show you a small piece from my book:

When she reached the nearest rock in the middle of the valley, she looked back where the army of darkness was tiptoeing across it carefully. They looked funny and didn’t look fearful at all.
    “Hmm…Possibly they’re afraid of the sunlight. Gee, I’m clever!” Chloe snickered about herself proudly and jumped out of her shelter, then wended toward the nearest village.

The word ‘Gee’ is mostly used only by children and only in America.
                   Prologue (Living a moment)

 So…what if you had a chance to choose your path? Will it be a fairytale with a bad end or a normal and safety life?
  It sounds simply, of course most of us will not risk everything only for a happy end, one he will just step back and go home, sit on his old chair and dream about something new…And he will be right…A curious person will accept an unknown way of life but soon he will discover that his blind happiness is not eternal. However, in my opinion, it’s better to feel magic just for one second than even don’t know about it. Who knows, never know until you try…Therefore, people change, and they are different, someone will put all his works off and let his heart sings, and someone will just stay at home doing his job and earning money. Both examples are good but only one truly wants to change his life and he will do it, just believe.
  I know, there are people whose belief is powerful but they can’t open the magic inside of them, and there are people who even don’t want it, but they have it…Life can bend us on our knees as well as it can give us its hand and pick us up. Just wait for a moment, it will happen.
My book is about a dream of a child and her father which has nothing but her. She knows that her dream will not come true, but she trusts her destiny and goes on believing. I want to show those wounds which human ought to heal to make the dream real. Dreams can lead us straightly into the arms of madness which will crush us. This story is about that. Yeah, and as the matter of fact, after everything which fate had done to her, she kept on believing, that’s the true strength.
  We can search for the truth but get a lie, we can continue crying but we also must know that we can smile. And the main thing I want to say that if you don’t want to think a lot, just dream, since I know that the best way not to think – is to dream…
  So grab your bag, call off your meetings and let your legs run into the nearest forest. You will see that even nature can be friend, you can’t be alone, never…I know it for sure. Look at the sun, smile even if you want to cry, it will help.
  I just want to tell you, that even if you think that your life is broken, it is not, every minute people die, people dream and also every second people celebrate someone’s birthday.
  But maybe someday someone will break your belief and it will be too late to trust your fate, so just open the door you see, because I know for certain that it is true, don’t forget the key, without it you will be alone in that room, forever.
  Let me say that this is not a story, not a legend this is just a tale, so take a sit, grab some drink&food and start reading. I will do my best to prove that this tale will take a place in your heart…And if you want me to advise you something about writing books – don’t write with your brains – write with your heart and soul, it will undoubtedly help you.                                                                                      

                       Part 1 
                    Into the uncertainty
                        Chapter 0                                                      
              Finish on the start line

  The highway was stretching out through the deep gates of night. The blanket of darkness covered everything around with its stillness.
 Because of the flurry pouring metal bonnet of my car I didn't note that my old nokia was ringing. Or I didn't want to pick it up. Possibly it was Marry who wanted me to drive from Dallas to Denver only for ten minutes on my old Chevrolet. Sometimes she made me mad.
  The engine was louder even when I turned up the radio. Even Michael Jackson couldn't sing as loud as my car could. Because of the heavy rain that stupid machine didn't want to work well. No, I'm not a crazy man, just a little bit nervous like all business men. Light gleam which my car was spreading out didn't light the highway well enough.
 I eyed on the right. No cars. That road was empty like my bottle of Coke.
   I had some regrets since I had promised to my grandchild - Rosy that I would tell her the story of my whole life. It was only my mystery. No, I was lying but I got used to lies. The real truth was that it was not only my secret, it was also my daughter's – Chloe’s. Of course the old friend of mine – Ben with my brother Charlie were in that unusual story too. So I think it was our mystery. Only four little points on the large world map really knew what I was talking about.
  Of course, I thought I shouldn't have told her I had a secret. Stupid old man. I had known for certain that her intrigue would lead her to a situation like that. Of course I didn't want to tell her that but she had made a puppy face so ought to. I can’t bear when people control me. But it was only my granddaughter and she just wanted to know my life story and also her mom's.
  Sure, I hoped that I would take that secret with me into the tomb. But the story of my life was not usual. The story like that couldn't just lie with me forever in that cold, wet and empty place under the ground. Rose ought to know the truth.
   I was driving as fast as I could. The highway was still as empty as it was ten minutes ago. The speedometer showed 64 miles per hour. The road was straight, without any turnings. I pressed the pedal strongly watching the pointer. My old Chevrolet was really, really ancient, the speed got higher only after a few           minutes. "Damn!Hate my car...".But that was not the biggest problem.I didn't know how should I start the story.     Maybe I should cross something out or add something.No, I was so exhausted from lies that I couldn't lie to my own grandchild.                   
 My destiny was wicked.     I didn't want my little Rosy to feel the pain I had felt.A miserable life in the hands of a miserable human...After the hurt my fate had done to me, sometimes I doubted whether God exists. Where was the Great Lord when my daughter needed his help?                           Where was God when I had lost her...Only lies and pain were with me all my entire life.           No, I didn't want any compassions, didn't like when people felt a pity when I was broken down.         I think my life was like a bottle with whiskey: with each drink you want more and more but the bottle with damned alcohol is getting emptier and emptier.
Since my birth my parents were pushing the words from the Bible into my head like bullets into the gun.Every week I had to go to church.I was getting sick of it.And the life left me no choice, I ought to kill the religion in my nous otherwise that religion would kill me.Kill everything that I’d been fighting for.My war was the war with myself but I had no weapon...
  So the theme about God wasn't the best theme.I couldn't say that I hate him but my belief was broken and that's the outcome.
  At last I saw the road - sign."Denver".Lord, I loved that city.My Rosy was born there.It's a pity that her mother disappeared, she had been a great woman.Only I and Marry - the nanny lived with Rose.She was only ten years old.Why couldn't Chloe have her own child?Why she ought to steal her from the hospital?My mind was suggesting to me that the only answer was that Chloe hadn't found the right man...But Chloe was only 21 years old when she found Rosy.I couldn't say that she had stolen her.Rosy was crying in the closet of the hospital so Chloe took her.She didn’t ask about her parents, it was obvious that she didn’t have any.So, the outcome was evident.Chloe adopted her.The kid seemed to be special.Chloe had no idea why.Of course, there’re things in life which are closed for us, for people…That was that case.
  At that time Rose was already eight years old.But something happened and my daughter just vanished.Nobody knew why.My girl didn’t have any reasons to do it.After that story she was behaving herself in a weird way so I didn’t ask anything about her past.
  When I approached to the first building, I glanced at the backseat.There I found my phone.The red color on the traffic light made me stop.At least I could get my leg from the pedal.Different people were passing across the road.Different faces, and different lives.All they had something to tell their grandchildren, to show something new for them.
  I entered menu in my nokia and found Marry's number.I picked it.Oh man, those sounds made me felt nervous.
   "Hello Jack!Where are you?The flurry didn't stop.Why didn't you call me when you left Dallas?" the sounds impaled my ears.
   "Marry, sorry...I just forgot" I tried to calm the situation.
   "And why didn't you pick the phone up when I was calling?"
   "There was the lightning, so I decided to turn it off and not to pick it up" I lied.I just didn't want to talk to her.
   "Okay, when will you come home?" Marry asked, probably, biting her bottom lip.I heard it.It was her habit, but I couldn’t call it a habit at all.
 Some time ago I used to play the guitar, so I had a good hearing.
    "In ten minutes, only ten.How is Rose?"
    "She's okay, watching cartoons, absorbed in the TV" when she was saying that, I kept on driving because the yellow light appeared.I pushed the pedal again hard.At that moment it worked.
    "Thanks God" I smiled.Loved the silence, loved the stillness...Loved when children didn't yell out loudly, didn't make a mess.I think everybody loves.
    "Fine.We're waiting for you".She hung up the phone.The voice stopped on the word "you".
    "Bye" I said to myself.
  Cars were shimmering in my window like a light in the lighthouse, three blinks - six cars passed by.I was counting cars until I saw the street I had been looking for.
  It was late.I hoped that Rosy had been already sleeping.I was a little bit tired of my small journey.When I parked my car in the yard near my house I pointed out that the lights were turned off.It could mean only that they were sleeping.Thank God.
  It was not Denver.It was its outskirts.I always hated living in the center or near it.I loved nature like all my family.But what family was I talking about?Only I and my granddaughter - Rose...I think I could call Marry a family too, because when I wasn’t at home, she was always sitting with Rosy, all the time.Marry didn’t have a big family.She was young so she didn't have her own child.But of course, Marry loved Rose as she was her daughter.
  I took the keys and turned off the engine.Sure, I loved driving, it seemed to be hobby all my life.Yup, when I was rich, I used to drive nice and expensive cars like: Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, KIA and other cars.
  At least I couldn't hear my old Chevrolet's engine.Sometimes I missed those times when I used to go wherever I wanted to and to do whatever I needed.
  I closed the door of my car and checked it.It was really late, about 10 p.m.When I was opening the door I realized something surprisingly strange...I really wanted to tell her that story, the story of my life.
  I walked inside.The lights were really turned off.Nobody had been waiting for me.To tell a truth, I was a little bit upset.Where was that Rosy's "Jackie!", where Marry's "Look who's back!".Yeah, I loved my small family.
  I took some steps again and the smell of Marry's strawberry cake pierced my soul. I was stuck by that smell. Lord, I loved it. That meant that they wanted to surprise me. Oh...But I didn't like surprises. I looked again into the dimness of the room. Staring at the small light shrink in the bathroom, I realized that it was early enough. I didn't know why that blink made me think of that. So, it was a surprise for sure.They just couldn't sleep. What a surprise to be surprised! Yeah...
  So where were they? Okay, I threw my legs onto the way to the kitchen. My pace was slow, I didn't get faster since there was no reason to do it. So I had some time to rethink about the idea of going to the kitchen. "Hey! I know you're here! Show yourselves!". Who knew, they might be really sleeping. So If they weren't in the kitchen - they ought to be in the bedroom. Sure!
  I changed my route, now it was to the bedroom. Strolling alone through the lonely corridor full of pictures on the wall, I got faster.When I approached to the door I took out the hand to open it.Something made me stop.I didn't hear their whispers or voices.If it was a surprise they should have whispered something.At last I decided to open.I pushed it slightly and walked inside.Looking for the places where I should put my shoes I didn't notice anything strange.Everything was unturned.Even in the bad lights I could see all things clearly: a red bed with a green blanket and a picture above.Also there was a huge clock on the wall, it was my father's gift, it didn't work, but it was a rare thing for me, really rare.
   I turned the lights on.What a pity...They weren't there.So where were they?I looked within my nous deeply, in all shelves, in all corners, took out all books and notes there seeking for the answers.But I hadn't found any.I turned back, hoping that they were hiding somewhere in the corridor.I decided to go to my car and call Marry.
  My legs stopped my body near the old Chevrolet and I looked back on the house.I didn't like that. What kind of joke was it?It wasn't funny at all.I got in my car and glared back on the backseats.
     "SURPRISE!" two funny faces appeared in front of me yelling.
     "What are you doing here?" I asked nervously but I tried not to sound loudly.
     "We've been waiting for you here since you left your car" Rosy stated grinning.Small girl with blue eyes and bright hair was making fun of his grandfather.Oh, boy…
     "Yeah, I see you are not scared of us" Marry added vigorously.
     "No, I'm scared, but...I thought you both were hiding in the house, and..."
     "And what?Jackie..." my grandchild sighed “You don't know us well”
     "Sure.But I know how to make you get out of my car and to make me some coffee!"
   Marry looked at me and continued softly:
     "Don't be so angry, Jack" meanwhile Rosy opened the door and jumped out of the car like a bunny, giggling, - Rose wanted to make you smile.But I think even the best clown in the world can't make you laugh.
     "Oh, don't say that.I smile every time she makes that puppy face" I said getting out of the car.
     "Bla bla bla bla bla!"
     "Don't say: bla bla bla bla bla!" I interrupted her monologue “I hate when you're sneering at me”.
No.I wasn't angry.That was our usual discussion.Our conversations had never been long.Only for five minutes.
     "Okay.Let's go inside.I will make you a cup of coffee"
     "Let us...let us..." I repeated a few times and followed her lead.
   When we came inside, Rose jumped out from the right room - there was a kitchen, as far as I remember, and she gave me a piece of cake.
     "Thanks, Rose...So...don't you have to sleep?" I asked eating the cake.
     "Oh no...don't avoid me!You must tell me the tale.Did you forget it?"
     "Yes...I forgot" I lied tentatively and walked into the living room.At least there was a TV.There was going to be a live concert with AC/DC(rock band).I fell on the sofa in front of the TV-set and relaxed.What a satisfaction.From that long trip I even forgot that I had to eat something.Oh, it didn't matter at all.
  My glance was glued to the TV, so I didn't realize that Marry was sitting near me and eating cheese chips.The idea burst in my head.I wanted to have those chips, now!
     "Marry, give me some chips, please"
     "Nope..." she replied and didn't even throw a look at me.
     "What?Nope?!I've been working all day in Dallas, in that stupid office, writing some silly news!I've been driving from Dallas to Denver in that heavy flurry, on that ancient car.And you don't want me to eat?Even just a small chip?What kind of human are you?"
  When she broke her tirade, she collapsed into giggles.
      "I...I don't understand?Am I looking like a clown?"
      "No...of course not" she didn't stop laughing loudly “I'm just kidding, you...clown...Hahaha....”
   Oh boy...someday I will buy you millions of those chips, you will drown in them!
      "Kidding...huh.I'm kidding too"
      "Oh yeah.Here, eat something" she tool her hand out with several chips.
      "Thanks!" I grabbed it greedily and put some of them into my mouth.
  I knew that that night I ought to tell her the story and I wanted to do it, really wanted.
  I was staring at the shapes in the TV.They were playing guitars like Gods, Rock - Gods.When I was a child I had been dreaming about a life like that.But my band broke up.Yeah, we were famous, but not as famous as I had wanted.I'd done so much to make it true.I was working at my playing the whole day but...you can't change your destiny, just can't.And I was not the exception.Sure, it was hard to look at those rock - stars, with all those fans shouting "You rock!!!" and confess that I would never be as world - known as I'd been dreaming.Oh...
  But anyway, I was happy.I had my little Rosy and also a hope, the enormous hope that my daughter - Chloe would come back to our family.Sure she would.I didn't know what kind of problem she had.But I think you would have some ideas when I end my story.
I was reposing on that sofa for a ten minutes mulling over everything in my life.I recognized that I had nothing but that secret…just nothing.Every day I was seeking for something really absurdly and never seen, something unusual…and when I had stopped doing that, the mystery found me…what kind of life I had?I would never know for certain.Maybe that secret would tell me?I didn’t know, really.Or what kind of human am I?You may think that I’m preparing you to something outstanding, something so powerful that your head will just explode under the pressure of mystery.Nope…maybe no…
   So I went to my bedroom and sat near the fireplace.I and Rose had agreed that I would be waiting for her at eleven p.m near the fireplace in my room.
   When I heard some sounds like someone was tiptoeing behind me I said calmly:”Rose, don’t try to scare me.I’m here to tell you something you will never forget till you die.So get ready…I will be telling that like a tale, okay?Just sit down and listen”
    She made herself comfortable next to me on the luxury leather chair with an apple in her hand.
       “Eat it now” I smiled.
       “But I’d like to listen to your story eating something”
       “No way darling.You should eat an apple right now, because I don’t want you to die from an apple”
   She was scared.I saw it in her eyes.Maybe she should have refused to listen to the story…
       “Okay” she threw it into the trash and sat comfortably on the chair.
       “Are you sure you want to hear the story which is going to make you think forever.There’s no remedy, darling.Think about it…”.I tried to be convincing but she was just a kid. What if she wasn’t a kid at all? Maybe her mind was bigger than mine, I didn’t know. I really knew nothing.
     The luster in her eyes began to shrink faster. It turned into a flame burning my regrets and doubts.
    Rosy threw a curious look at me. I felt a disturbance.
       “Jack” Some time ago I said to her to call me that way. Because I was only 47 years old. I didn’t want to look like a grandfather, never wanted. “I’m ready…”
       “So…nine years passed like a while. I still remember each second…”

There’re still some words left to say after the story I’ve just finished. Truthfully, I’m not glad that I’ve made it, I’ve written this book…As the matter of fact, it was hard to say “farewell” to those times when every morning when I woke up, saw the sun outside, I already thought: “God, what a wonderful day. Maybe inspiration is waiting for me. Sorry, muse, I overslept…”.Yeah, truly, I have never felt myself so free and interlaced with magic. For me, magic is everything and it flows in everybody: you must just take your soul, shake it and look deeply inside and you’ll see it, for certain.
  It’s my first book and want it to be really good, so I’ve been trying to work hard but I never found this weight as a burden or an arduous job, seemed that I’ve put new eyes on an old face.
  I remember when I first came up with an idea to write a story, huh, it was really funny at all. Three days I’ve been mulling over how to name the book or how to start it. At that time it made me mad but now I’m laughing at myself. You should have seen it…
  I swiftly recognized that it’s mine, the precious work that makes me feel myself as happy as only kids could. Oh, about the childhood. I’ve written this book not as a detective, sci-fi or romance, I haven’t decided yet, but I think it’d be something between a drama and a novel.
 Since the first day of writing, I’d already known what essence I’d put into it. Truly, I wanted to let people know some facts that are so close to us but we sometimes forget about them, about those warm and independent times in our lives – childhood. Firstly, as for me, it’s better to feel yourself as a kid the whole entire life, even when you’re grandpa and you have children than to say: “For heavens sake, legs, please, go ‘cause I’m too old to force you do it!”. Well, you know that, yeah? Okay. Really, I’d rather deceit myself and say that I’m still young, just forever young.
  Secondly, I’d like to teach you how to make fortune be by your side. It’s simple, trust me. Let me tell you something: only the work which doesn’t make you angry, makes you happy. For example: until the summer struck me with its beams, I was poor, correctly my soul was. And I hoped that happiness would fall from the sky right into my arms and I ought not to have done something to make it true. Nope, that’s not gonna work, I know…You must sit during the day&night, another one day and another one night trying to force some new thoughts come into your head. I call this period of life: “Hey, I know what I gotta do in this hole of life to get out of it”. It’s when somebody lights up the bulb in your empty corridor. This is the moment which turns your life around and shakes it strongly. And I felt it, at last, my moment was the moment when I once said to myself: “Finally, I’ve got it! Now I really understood why I’m here, I’m supposed to live, supposed to exist”. My instant was by book. The start is always much hilarious than the end, but from the end you can make another one beginning, no one against, just you and your alter ego. And I decided to press my ego down into the hell, this is its place, not inside my soul. And I did it.
  And ultimately, during the writing I’ve learned how to love life the way it is since I realized that the only one hidden but dear friend is my imagination and I’ll never fall out with my new fellow.
  Please don’t forget – dreams have eyes and they’re watching you wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you are…
   So…lift yourself up from the chair, forget about the story I’ve just told you and live your own life, make it a fairytale, nobody will force you to give it up, never.

 Oh…and by the way, almost forgot: “If you wanna be happy – you’ve gotta be a psycho” J           

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