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                       From my experience in the summer camp "WOW"                                

  Role – plays on the topic “Drama”
             Advanced foreign methods provide us with a wide variety of role-plays upon the subjects “Drama”. They were efficiently put into practice in my classes in the English summer camp ‘WOW” where I used to work. The following games help participants to meet each other closer, to overcome some complexes, to widen their world outlook. They give students some senses of acting, develop the image,  creative activity of the players and their skills to use them in different improvised situations. Students feel confident and they trust each other with the help of these games.
1. ”Acquaintance”. Invitation to the theatre. All players make a circle. Everyone introduces himself or herself and names a famous actor, an actress or a playwright with whom they would like to go to the theatre. The first letters of the guest’s and player’s name or surname must coincide. The next player repeats the previous names and introduces himself.
2. Drama “Mix-up”. Each player gets a card with a half of a famous film. The players are supposed to find their halves and make a scene for other players to guess, using dialogues, gestures without saying the title of the film.
3. “Who am I?” Each player gets a card with a name or surname of a famous actor or singer. The players do not know who they are. They can stick these cards on their backs. While asking different questions, they try to guess.
4. “Description”. The players close their eyes. Somebody begins to describe the appearance, clothes, character of another player. The person described goes on.
5. “Emotions”. The player shows different senses by means of movements, expressions on the face for the others to guess.
6. “ A mirror”. The player finds a partner and tries to imitate his partner’s movements as the reflection in the mirror.
7. “Reflect the dance”. Music sounds, each person begins some dancing movements in turn. All the dancers are supposed to reflect the dance.
8. “Where am I?’’ Each pair of the players gets a card with a place where they are situated. The pair demonstrates the place for others to guess.
9. “Make a sense”. Students work in groups. Each group gets a card with a name of a thing which they should represent without saying any word. The others are supposed to guess while asking.
10. “The host of the party”. The host of the party is supposed to guess all his guests, observing their movements, talks, sounds ( it may be an animal). Then he must invite them to the party. The host as well as the guests can talk with each other.
11. “A sad story” ( A happy story). The beginning of the story, for example “It was a sunny day…”, is given for pupils to finish with a sad or happy ending.

12. “Freeze the scene”. The pair makes a scene. One of the players says “Freeze”. The actors freeze. The person who has said that word, substitutes for one of the actors, repeats his last word and goes on acting. He may change roles and ideas of the scenes.

        Role-plays, games, songs, a quiz, riddles
( during celebrating “Independence Day” outside  in a summer camp)

1.     “A Picnic Game”. Say what thing you would like to take for a picnic, the thing must begin with a letter your name begins. If there are too many children, you can form  3-4 circles of 15 in each.
2.     Game “Simon says”. Simon can trick you. Simon gives you an order to do one thing but he does another one. If you are mistaken, you go out. The last player is Simon (a winner). There can be 6 players.
3.     Game “Freeze” (statues) The idea is to reach the other side first, if the leader turns around, you freeze into statues. The leader should count till five. Any player caught moving must go back to the starting line. The winner becomes a leader (7 pupils, 1 leader). This game can be played 2 -3 times.
4.     A song “Row, row, row the boat…”. All players join their hands and make a circle singing this song. While sitting down, they shouldn’t break the circle.
5.     A Quiz : -Who was the first man in space?
               -Who was the first man the stepped on the Moon?
                -What is the longest river in the world? (the Nile)
                -Who was the first president of America? (G.Washington)
          6. A riddle. Can an elephant jump higher than a house? ( No, because houses   can’t jump).
7.  A game. Throw a ball up into the air and try to say as many words in English as you can. The winner is a person who said the most words. You can make this game more complicated. Children can say words related to some topics, for example “Fruit and vegetables”, “Colours”, Countries”, “School Subjects”, “Hobbies” and so on.
8. A game. There are 2 teams, 5 players in each. One player from each team sits and 4 players, who are blindfolded, must come up to the player and try to put a cap (a jacket, shoes, socks) on him.
9.  A Game “The best actress”. A person  who can say emotionally  10 times without laughing “Oh, my God. I am so beautiful” is a winner.
10. A quiz. - Who was the youngest president of the USA?  (Roosevelt)
             -Have the Olympic games ever been held in the same city more than once? Yes, in London 1908,1948)
           -What is the highest mountain in the world? (Everest)
11. Riddles  1. When is the cook bad? (when he beats an egg or when he cuts off the hen’s head)
              2. There are 6 of us in every family but only four in a town? What are we?    (letters)
A song “Seven Days a week”
12. A Game “Picasso”. There are 5 players in each team. Each person runs out and draws something for the team to guess. The team that guesses the most of pictures is the winner.
13. A game “Musical chairs”. There are 7 players but 6 chairs. When music starts, the players march around the chairs. When it stops, they try to sit down on the them. One player will be left standing. This player is out of the game and takes away one chair. The last player who sits on the chair is a winner.
14. A Game “London Bridge”. 10 players plus two. Two  players form the bridge.. Each bridge player picks a symbol. They join their hands and hold them up  as high as they can. Everyone goes under the bridge and says  “London Bridge is falling down…   My fair lady .. On these words  “ My fair lady, the bridge drops and locks  a player, swinging the fair lady ‘back and forth’ as  they say “”Take the keys and lock her up.. The captured player gives the symbol and stands behind the bridge….
15. A quiz:   - Did William Shakespeare ever live in London? (yes)
               -Do all birds lay eggs? (yes)
              -What is the longest river in Russia? (The Lena)
          -What is the biggest ocean? (The Pacific ocean)
16.  Riddles. 1. What has no head, no arms, no legs but still has a tongue? ( a shoe)
                2. How can you divide 6 apples among seven hungry people?( to make juice or jam)
    A song “I will do my homework tomorrow”
17.A game “Dog and bone. A player, who is a dog, is in the middle. His  eyes are closed. The rest try to take away Dog’s bone. A player who steals, must get to his place without dog hearing him. If Dog hears, he barks. The player then goes back to his place without the bone. When a player is successful, all the players put their hands behind their backs. Dog is told to open his eyes and guess who has the bone. He has got 3 chances to guess. If he guesses, the player becomes Dog. If he fails, he is out of the game. The leader picks another player to be Dog.
18.A  Chasing game “Duck, Duck, Goose”. There are 10 or more players. Goose walks around the circle (outside) touching each player on the head and says “Duck”. But when it says “goose”, the fun begins. That player jumps up and chases Goose around the circle. If Goose reaches the player’s place before being tagged, the player becomes the Goose. But if it is tagged, it is Goose again.
19. A Game “Rock. Scissors. Paper” is played with three simple hand-signs: a fist for a rock, two fingers for scissors and an open hand for paper. Hide the hands and count aloud to three. They make a sign and show it. ( 3 pairs, for some points (5 times) count the score)
      20. A quiz  - What is the largest continent? (Asia)
             -What is the smallest country in the world? (the Vatican city)
             -What is the largest animal in the world? (the blue whale, its tongue is bigger than an elephant)
21. Riddles. 1.Why can’t it rain for two days without stopping? (because there is always a night between)
              2.What gets larger as more of it is taken away? (a hole)
 A song “I’ve got”
22. A Game “Pussy wants a corner”. There are 5 players. The player (Pussy) goes from a player to a player asking for a corner. He is always told to see a neighbour. While this is going on, the corner players try to call each other and exchange the places before Pussy can reach. Who has no corner, becomes Pussy. Pussy can also stand in the middle and order  “Everybody, change” .
23. A Game “Jack and Jill”. There are 10 or more players. They join hands. Two of them Jack and Jill are in a circle.
 Jack is blindfolded and tries to tag Jill “Where are you, Jill?” Jill must answer and keeps ducking to keep from being tagged. When Jack does tag, he takes off blindfold and joins the circle, Jill picks another Jack from the circle. This time she is blindfolded and tries to tag Jack. It starts all over again. Who isn’t tagged for a long time has got a prize.
24.A Game “Who is the Leader?” One player goes out, 12-15 players form a circle, choose a leader and do the same movements that the leader does.The leader changes the movements unnoticeably. The player must guess who the leader is.
25. A Quiz  -Which is more intelligent a dolphin or a penguin (a dolphin)
         -What is the biggest city in the world? (Tokyo)
          -Which is the heaviest metal? (lead)
26. Riddles 1. Who speaks Russian, English, German and other languages (an echo)
            2. There are 5 candles burning. 2 of them are blown out. How many candles are there? (2, because 3 were burnt to an end)
A Song.
27. A Game “Oh, my dear, I love you so much. Please smile to me.”
-         A Player, who is in the middle of the circle, saying these words does everything to make other players laugh. “I love you too, but I can’t smile”. Who smiles, goes to the middle.
28.A game “Copy the dance”.
29. A Quiz –Which is farther from the Sun Jupiter or Saturn? (Saturn)
            -Which is faster a cheetah or an ostrich? (a cheetah)
30. Riddles. Parents decided to put one gold coin every year into a box on their daughter’s birthday. Years passed. When they looked into the box they found 5 gold coins. How old was their daughter? (20, she was born in a leap year)
  A song.
31.A game. Throw a ball up and collect things.
32. A Game “Show up.”5 players show the word without saying, 2 are apart and guess. The team which guesses the most of the words is a winner.
33. A game “Observation”. Players gather around and try to remember the things which are on the tray. Remove the cloth. Give them 1 minute to look, replace the cloth. Let them take a pen and paper and write all the things.

34. Riddles.
   1.Imagine you are a driver. You are driving a bus. At a bus-station 2 people get on the bus. At  the next bus-stop 5 people get, the 3 go off the bus. At the 3-rd Bus-stop 8 people got onto, but 2 go out. How old is a driver? (The same age as you, because you are a driver).
   2.Peter and 7 friends have gone to the pub for lunch. However, there it’s very expensive. Peter has got little money. The barman says: Cut this cake into pieces and I will give you it free. But you can only make 3 cuts. Peter took a knife, cut 3 times, the barman gave him the cake. How did he do it?

                                   A Quiz
1.  What is the longest river in the world? (the Nile)
2.  What is the longest river in Russia? (The Lena)
3.  What is the biggest ocean? (The Pacific ocean)
4.  What is the largest continent? (Asia)
5.  What is the smallest country in the world? (the Vatican city)
6.  What is the largest animal in the world? (the blue whale, its tongue is bigger than an elephant)
7.  What is the biggest city in the world? (Tokyo)
8.  Which is the heaviest metal? (lead)
9.  Who was the first president of America? (G.Washington)
10. Who was the youngest president of the USA?  (Roosevelt)
11.What is the highest mountain in the world? (Everest)

Music day
  (within the week of English)
 The Music of the Beatles sounds.
Compere 1 Dear girls and guys. Have you got any idea what band performs this song ? (The Beatles) Where did they come from? (Liverpool, Britain)
Actually, pop music was born there, in Britain. British music has spread all over the world. Singers and musicians are the new idols of thousands of young people, who try to copy them in the way they dress, walk, cut their hair and even in the way they sing. The names pop, rock, punk, and acid rock music are well-known to everybody and they are of the English origin. Among the most popular English pop and rock stars are the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Genesis, the Police, the Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Boy George, Phil Collins, Freddy Mercury and many others. Can you add some more famous names?
Have a  listening to the song “Yesterday” (two girls perform a song)
Compere 2 In 1952 a Liverpool schoolboy, john Lennon, started a rock-roll group. The other members were Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best.
In August 1960, they went to Hamburg in Germany and worked hard every night in the clubs. When the group returned to Liverpool, Stuart and Pete left, and Ringo Starr joined. Their first records were great hits in the UK. With their records and their concerts attended by thousands of yelling young fans, they became millionaries and also received an award from Queen Elizabeth II.  In 1964, they visited the United States. The Americans loved them and the Beatles became famous fast.
The Beatles worked perfectly as a team. They had different personalities and abilities but they they were great friends. John was the clever Beatle; Paul was the good-looking Beatle; George was the quiet Beatle; and Ringo was the happy Beatle.
The Beatles were very talented. John and Paul wrote songs quickly and easily. George was a songwriter, too. Ringo did not play the drums fantastically but the others were good musicians. George and John played the guitar well and Paul was a fine bass guitarist. George and Paul were the lead singers but all the Beatles sang.
  From about 1968, things went badly with the group. The Beatles changed slowly from a group to four individuals with different interest. In 1970, they split up. The Beatles were the first international pop group and Lennon and McCartney were the best songwriting team of the twentieth century.
 Compere 1 In 1980, John Lennon, who was then living in the States, was killed by one of his fans, a madman in New York. When a police officer asked him a question, he answered “Yes, I do. I killed John Lennon”. What was the original question? Give your ideas, please.
The girls perform another song of the Beatles “Imagine”
Compere 1 Do you know what country jass, blues, hip hop, reggae and house music developed in? (the USA) The original style was jass. When Africans were taken to the New World as slaves, they took their traditions and also their music with them. Their music was very rhythmical and sounded very different from the music Europeans and Americans used.
 Compere 2 Black people sang their songs in groups, when they were at work in the fields or when they went to church. When they learnt to play musical instruments, their songs were transformed into music and complex currents of  jass. Rock’n roll really began with the blues and gospel music, popular in the 1920s and 1930s. This is the music that influenced the king of Rock’n roll himself, Elvis Presley.
 Compere 1 Over the years, Rock’n roll grew and gave life to new forms of rock music. The Rock’n roll of the 1950s grew into the Hard rock of the 1970s. Bands like the Rolling Stones and the Doors were very popular at this time.
The 50s music  that led us to the Twist in the 1960s which gave way to the discos of the 70s, led to dance music 80-90s, has led to today’s techno, house music.
 But the power of rock’n roll continues. Its emotions live on in modern music. The heart of rock’n roll is still beating.
Performance of  a  rock song

Compere 2 Dear friends, you can enjoy listening to different styles of music during each break.

                                                                  It’s Halloween    

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night!

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels

Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it’s Halloween!

(The party begins with the witch’s dancing).
     Good evening, dear guests. Welcome to our party! Today we are having a special holiday for the dead – does that seem strange? Perhaps not. There are so many holidays for the living, why not set aside a day to remember those who have died? In Europe the night of the ghosts and witches was combined with the Christian holiday. As that night fell on October 31, people called it Halloween. This means “hallowed evening” or “holy eve”.
On Halloween, people often go to the parties at which fortunes are read and ghosts stories are told. Children may dress up in the costumes and masks of witches, goblins or skeletons and go trick –or- treating. They ring doorbells and ask for candy, apples, or coins.
If they don’t receive a treat, they may play a trick.
At night on October 31 witches fly on their broomsticks, skeletons rattle their bones, ghosts frighten people, Jack – O’ – Lanterns walk around houses, black Halloween cats play tricks with us.
Ghosts and witches and Jack – O’ – Lanterns are all part of a holiday thousands of years old.
On Halloween, many boys and girls dress up in deferent costumes and pretend to be goblins, monsters, skeletons, witches or ghosts. Long ago people really believed in ghosts. They thought the dead came back to their homes once a year and walked around all night.
(Behind the speaker in the back of the stage there appears a “ghost”, listening to what he says, moves quietly and disappears.)
Ghosts can be seen, but not heard. They never leave shadows or footprints. They can walk through closed doors, even walls. They love to live in empty houses.
Look, how many strange guests have come to our party. Let’s greet them and listen to their stories.
(Children dressed up in different costumes appear on the stage and tell who they are (ghosts, witches, black cats etc.) and what they do).
Thank you for your stories, take your seats and feel yourselves at home.
Some words about witches. They are magic women. Some witches are young but most of them are old and ugly. It was believed they held big meetings every season. One meeting came on October 31. Halloween became the witches night. They had a wonderful time there. They danced in a ring, two together, back to back and wished people bad luck, storm and sickness. They flew to their meetings on broomsticks. But it was not always like this. Watch the play about how it all began.
Gertrude And Her Broom
(a play by M. M. Fear and P. F. Rice)
Simple staging, costumes and properties .
Rocking chair, large book, brooms.
Gertrude witch 1
Scratch witch 2
Narrator witch 3
(Scene 1 begins with Gertrude rocking in her chair, center stage. Scratch sits at her feet. Narrator sits on the stage, down right)
Narrator – We all know about witches and their cats. Every Halloween they fly on their broomsticks, scaring anyone they meet. Many years ago things were different, Witches walked whenever they went.
Gertrude – Dear me, Scratch. Halloween isn’t any fun any more. Everyone will be going out tonight except us, because we’re too old to walk the long distance through the forest to town. How I wish we could go to witches’ picnic in the forest clearing.
Scratch – Oh, stop complaining! My feet hurt just thinking about it. And they’d hurt as much as yours if we had to walk very far.
Narrator – As Gertrude rocks in her chair, it begins to make some very strange sounds.
(Cast members imitate rocking – chair sounds. For example, “creakity – creak, creakity – creak” , words fade out softly).
Scratch – I think your chair is saying something, Gertrude. Probably it’s telling you, “Lose some weight before I fall apart”.
Gertrude – Oh, hush, Scratch! It’s giving me an idea! I’ll use magic on this chair to make it take us to the picnic tonight. Come on help me find my mother’s magic book.
(Gertrude and Scratch sing a song as they search for the book)
Song: Where did I, where did I leave that book?
In a corner or in a nook?
Where, – oh where, is that book? Help me, Scratch!
Let us go look!
Narrator – After hunting for a long time, Gertrude and Scratch find the magic book and began to turn the pages, looking for a spell that will make Gertrude’s chair fly.
Scratch – This looks like a good spell, Gertrude! What do we need to make it work? Some damp moss, one owl’s feather, one small pinecone, and six grains of sand. Well, I can see I’m not going to get much sleep tonight!
(Scratch sings second song. The lights dim for seconds as Scratch finishes singing, indicating the dark forest of the next scene. During the lights – down period, place two chairs stage center. Gertrude and Scratch enter)

Song: Out in the forest late at night,

Looking, looking, looking, looking

We must search with all our might

Through the lonely night.

Looking here, looking there,

Searching with all our might,

Looking here, looking there,

Stepping softly left and right.

Scratch – This is the last time I’m looking for any owl’s feather. That owl in the last nest sure knew how to fight!
Gertrude – Don’t complain. I walked forever trying to find the sand. I finally found some along the stream at the edge of the forests. On the way back I managed to get the moss and one pinecone. Ooooh! I’m glad I brought my broom. It makes a good walking stick and a good chair.
(Gertrude puts broom down across two chairs. Both sit on it. Gertrude places ingredients on the broom)
Scratch – Let’s see if I can remember the magic words for the spell. “Magic spell in deepest night send us off into flight” Oh! No! I shouldn’t have said them here and out loud. All the ingredients were touching the broom and not your chair, Gertrude. The broom, the broom – it’s moving!
(Gertrude and Scratch move so the broom is between their legs and walk off stage as though the broom were flying. Lights dim during narration. When lights come up again, on scene three other witches and their cats are sitting in a circle in the forest clearing)
Narrator – Gertrude and Scratch were soon off the ground because the magic words and the ingredients did make the broom fly. After the surprise of their take off they began to enjoy the ride and pointed the flying broom toward where the witches’ picnic was to be held.
Witch One – (pointing off stage, left) Hey! What’s that in the sky coming in this direction?
Witch Two – It looks like Gertrude. I haven’t seen her for years. But, but, she’s flying!
Witch Tree – Hello, Gertrude! Did you put a spell on your broom?
Witch Two – How did you do it?
Gertrude – Hello, everybody! This is my new way of traveling! It’s lots more fun than walking. Why don’t you all try it?
Narrator – This sounded like a good idea to the other witches. They scurried off to get their brooms from their cottages.
Scratch – Now look what you’ve started. It’ll take us forever to teach some of them to fly!
(The witches and their cats come hurrying back on stage, each carrying a broom and eager to begin flying lessons.)
The End.
Well, now we know why witches fly on their brooms, and what about Jack – O’ – Lantern? Look, here it is. Jack – O’ – Lantern got its name from a fellow named Jack, who, according to an old Irish legend was so mean, that he was not allowed into heaven. But poor Jack played tricks on the devil, so he was not allowed into the hall either. Instead, he is destined to wander around forever with his lantern, waiting for Judgment Day.
(Jack – O’ – Lantern appears)
Jack – O’ – Lantern – Hi everybody. My name is Jack, you know. I’ve been wandering around the earth for hundreds of years. I am so tired. People don’t like me, but I want to talk to them. I am so glad to have come to your party. I know so many interesting stories and won’t go until I tell you one of them. Listen. (Tells the story and comes closer to the spectators)
Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She sat by the fire and she spun waiting for someone to come. But no one came. Soon there was a knock at the door and the door opened and in came two big shoes, two long thin legs, some wide, wide shoulders, some long thin arms, two fat hands and in rolled a pumpkin head.
She looked at the someone and said:
  • Why do you have such big, big shoes?
  • Much walking, much walking, - said the someone.
  • Why do you have such long thin legs?
  • Much running, much running.
  • Why do you have such wide shoulders?
  • Much carrying, much carrying.
  • Why do you have such fat, fat hands?
  • Much working, much working.
  • Why are you here? What is it you want?
  • I came to get……….YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Jack – O’ – Lantern screams, scares children and goes away.)
Isn’t it fun to scare somebody at the Halloween Party. Most of us like being scared in that way. The best time to tell these stories is at night. The best way is to speak softly and slowly.
Well, one more guest is coming to us.
Old Lady Witch:
Oh – ho, I am so tired, my poor legs. They hurt me and want to rest. Oh, can’t believe my eyes! So many people! Recognize me? I am Old Lady Witch. Well, it is a good opportunity to tell everybody that I am not so ugly as they think. I have a big, soft and a warm heart. Don’t be afraid of me. I’ll tell you, girls, how to see your future husbands on Halloween.
Go alone into a dark room where there is a looking glass. Eat an apple before it and at the last mouthful the face of your future husband will be seen peeping over your shoulder.
If you peel an apple and throw the parings over the left shoulder look at what form the peel has taken. It may be the initials of the man you are to marry.
On Halloween, run around the square with your mouth full of pins and needles. Come home and look in the glass, and you will see your future husbands, if you are to be married, but if not you will see a coffin.
If you drop two needles into a bowl of water, you can tell by the way they move in the water whether you and your lover will come together
Well, that is not enough for today. I have a surprise for you. Look, there’s a real fortune – teller, Speaking Head. (Points to a big colored box with a pumpkin on it, which immediately lights up). If you say magic words “Zafara – Chufara – Pooh”, it will tell you the fortunes. Who is not scared come here.
(Children in turn come to Speaking Head, which tells fortunes.)
OK, I see you like it, but I have to go. Good – bye everybody, enjoy your Halloween and have a good fright.
(Goes away.)
Presenter – Well, well, well the time for fun has come. We have a lot here to enjoy. Girls, here are apple seed. Stick them on your cheeks. Each seed should stand for a sweetheart, and as the seeds fall off you will know which sweetheart to get rid of. Soon only one is left. This is your true lover.
You see here 3 bowls. It is another old test. One is filled with clean water, one with dirty water, and one is empty. The bowl of clean water stands for much money. The dirty water stands for little money. The empty bowl – for no money at all. Each player must be blindfolded. He turns around 3 times then dips his hand into one of the bowls.
Apples were once thought to be a link between men and the Gods and were often used to tell the future. By putting an apple under your pillow you could dream a wish and eat the apple in the morning. Later people began to use apple in games.
Let’s play the game “Bobbing for apples”. Apples are in a bowl of water. Let someone try to catch an apple with his teeth.
“Put the nose on the pumpkin”. Blindfolded player should put the nose on the picture of a pumpkin.
“Get off my hat”. (Draw a big black hat beforehand)
Put the hat on the floor. Players shut their eyes and walk back and forth across the hat when music starts. Whoever peeks is out of the game. Any player on the hat when music stops is out of the game. The last player left wins.
“Find the pumpkin”.
Draw white, yellow and orange pumpkins with funny faces. On the black of the white pumpkins write number 1, on the black of the yellow – 5, orange – 10. Let children find as many pumpkins as they can before “stop”. Sum up the numbers. The person with the most points wins.
Now I suggest that you should guess my riddles.

She always flies on her magic broom,

She always flies around the moon

With a black hat on her head 

And what do you think, who is that?

(a witch)

It means bad luck, don’t look at it

If it crosses your path

And what do you think we call it?

(a black cat)

In masks and gouns we haunt the street

And knock on doors for trick or treat

Tonight we are the king and queen

For all tonight is ………..


Sometimes big and sometimes small

But always round and yellow

When the children make my famous grin

Then I’m a scary fellow

(Jack – O’ – Lantern)

I am a big and round

Once upon a time I grew on the ground

Now I have a mouth, 2 eyes and a nose

Who am I do you suppose?


I see a friendly shining moon

As big and round as a balloon

Soon I will go out on the street

With my friend for our ………….

(trick – or – treat)

By Jack Prelutsky

Trick or treat, trick or treat,

Give us something good to eat.

Give us candy, give us cake,

Give us something sweet to take.

Give us cookies, fruits and gum,

Hurry up and give us some.

You had better do it quick

Or we’ll surely play a trick.

Trick or treat, trick or treat

Give us something good to eat.

Do you guess what is going on?
Trick – or – treaters have come to our party either to get treats from you or play tricks on you. It’s better to accept their mischief in good humor. If you have a coin, or a sweet, or anything else better give it to them, otherwise…..
(Trick – or – treating)
Well, I am very glad to see your happy faces. Bur our party has come to the end. Now we are going to award you for hand – made articles and the costumes you have prepared.
Just before we leave we would like to give you our souvenirs in memory of our party.

The End.





                                  (TESTS AND QUIZES)


I want to be near you all the time,
And never say good bye,
Please, my darling, say you’re mine,
I’ll love you until I die.

 THE AIM: to teach young people to take care of each other, to make them understand that the basis of love is not only the attraction to somebody, it’s the inner world of the person and the combining of  interests; to bring up the teenagers to have nice relations between the representatives of different sexes.
(The stage is decorated with flowers, colourful hearts, famous St.Valentine’s poems.)
  Roses are red, violets are blue.
  Sugar is sweet, and I love you.

  Wake up on this special day,
   And read these words from me.
   It’s not a dream. My love is true.
   Look in my heart and see.

   February the fourteenth day.
   It’s Valentine, they say.
   I choose you from among the rest.
   The reason is I love you best.

    Sure as the grape grows on the vine
    So sure you are my Valentine.

    The rose is red, the violet blue
    Lilies are fair and so are you.

    I am like a cabbage
    Divided into two
    The leaves I give to others
    But the heart I give to you.
(Music sounds. There are 3 pairs of chairs.)
    Dear ladies and gentlemen! I’m very glad that you have come to the party, dedicated to the most wonderful holiday of the year- St.Valentine’s Day. In all English-speaking countries,February,14 is a special day for people in love. t’s not a holiday, but it is a very good day for flower shops,chocolate shops and card shops. Boys send cards to their girlfriends  and girls send cards to their boyfriends.But often they don’t write their names in the cards.The name of the person sending the card is a secret,-that’s the tradition.
    But where does the holiday come from?
Rome…50 century A.D. The emperor Julius Caesar wants to form the strongest army in the world. “The real man must be the real soldier, he mustn’t be at the woman’s skirt’’, says Caesar.” He must go to the wars and nothing must connect him with his home. I forbid my warriors to marry” The order was sent everywhere in the country.
    But can you forbid the sun to shine and the rain to water the earth,  can you order the birds not to sing the songs, and a young heart not to love? And the order is disobeyed when the young and handsome soldiers of the Roman army meet beautiful girls.
    And if they cannot marry in a legal way they have the opportunity to marry secretly because there is the priest Valentine in the army who marries the couples in spite of Caesar’s order. Many families were formed due to the priest. But one day he  was betrayed and executed on February,14.
   The couples who found happiness thanks to this priest began to call him St.Valenti-
ne and celebrate February,14 as the day of all Sweethearts. Not long ago we began to celebrate this holiday in Ukraine.
   So, today is February,14 and we celebrate the holiday of sweethearts-St.Valentine’s Day. I’d like to invite our participants-boys and girls-to the stage.
(The music sounds. The couples sit down on the chair prepared beforehand.)
   I’ll introduce you the participants of our party, the students of our school who love this holiday. So meet…
   And I also want to introduce our honourable  jury who will judge today’s contests…
So we are ready for the first contest. Attention please.
    (Music sounds.)
Our boys had to prepare a poetic declaration of love. They had to learn some poems about this feeling.

    Now our jury will choose the best declaration.(The jury announces the winner of this contest.)


   For this contest we have prepared a piece of paper and a pen for every couple. Now you have to answer some questions. If the boy answers orally, the girl should write her answer and vice versa. If the answers coincide, the couple will get one point. So let’s start.

For boys
1.What’s her mother’s name?
2.What’s her favourite season?
3.What’s her favourite flower?
4.What’s her hobby?
5.What’s her favourite film?
6.What colour are her eyes?
For girls
1.What’s his fathers name?
2.What’s his favourite dish?
3.What’s his favourite number?
4.What’s his hobby?
5.What’s his favourite subject?
6.What’s his favourite teacher?

   And now we’ll have a musical pause.(A song)
   I ask our jury to tell us the results of this contest.
   I understand my darling by the gesture.
The girls receive the envelopes with some tasks:
1.I want to dance.
2.Present me flowers.
3.I’d like an ice-cream.
4.I’d go to the cinema.
5.I want to fly to Mayami.
6.I am not a naughty girl.

They must show this task with the help of gestures and the boys will have to guess.
Every correct answer-one point.(A song’’YESTERDAY”).

   While the jury are counting the total score of each couple, I’d like to announce the last contest.

(The couples are sitting with their backs to each other).
I give every couple the cards with the numbers 1,2,3.
These are the numbers of answers. You’ll have to choose only one. If the numbers of the boy and girl coincide, the couple will receive 1 point.
1.The boy has invited his girl to the date for the first time. What will he suggest?

1.going to the theatre
2.visiting a café
3.going for a walk

2.The girl is going to the date for the first time. While leaving home she will tell her parents:
1.she has a date with a boyfriend
2.she goes for a walk with her friend
3.she goes to the library to prepare for the test

3.Going to the date with the girl the boy:
1.will ask his parents for money
2.won’t ask his parents for money, he’ll keep the change after doing shopping
3.won’t take money at all, he is not going to treat her

4.Passing the confectionary shop the girl sees her favourite cakes. She:

1.asks her boyfriend to buy her these cakes
2.buys the cakes for her money
3.goes away as if nothing has attracted her

5.The boy invited the girl to the café, but the price turned out to be higher that he expected, and he doesn’t have enough money to pay for dinner. He:

1.suggests paying each for oneself
2.goes out,calls up his friend and asks him to come and bring some money
3.excuses for misunderstanding and borrows money from the girl.

6.Passing the  cinema the young couple reads that a comedy is on in one of the cinemas, and a good western is on in another cinema. The girl:
1.suggests watching a comedy
2.overcoming her feelings suggests watching a western
3.suggest casting lots

7.Going to the first date the boy:
1.will buy a big red rose for his girlfriend
2.will buy a little bunch of field flowers
3.won’t buy flowers at all

  And now we shall choose the best couple. While jury are counting the points, I’d like to present you with little souvenirs.

   Attention please! The jury will tell us the results of the game.
    The couple gets a diploma in the shape of a heart. The boy who has won gets the qualification: “The gentleman of the new time”, and the title “The knight of the girl’s hearts”. The girl gets the qualification “The princess of the new time” and the title “The girl who breaks the hearts.”

   Our party is over. But remember-LOVE is one of the best feelings. It is unique and eternal as our life. It rules the world, it makes the world go round. It’s beyond the age and time. So let’s love and be loved by others. And our earth will become more beautiful and kinder.


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